Patients present symptoms of fibromyalgia differently. A customized program can help.

We are all individuals and our conditions must be treated as such.

patients present symptoms of fibromyalgia differently. We are all individuals and our conditions must be treated as suchOur protocol for helping patients with fibromyalgia varies from patient to patient and depends on many factors. After working with hundreds of patients with FMS and CMP it is very clear that no two patients present themselves with the exact same set of symptoms and/or findings. Conditions vary not only in types of symptoms but also as to cause and length of time the patient has been afflicted. These and many other factors are taken into consideration when determining a course of action to help manage your condition.

Functional Integrative Therapeutics welcomes patients who suffer with symptoms of Fibromyalgia FMS, chronic pain and chronic fatigue to our facility located in Point Pleasant Boro, NJ at the Jersey Shore. When making an initial appointment with our office, our patients are asked to bring with them any medical history they may have including blood work, MRIs etc. They may also mail this information to us prior to their visit. After a full evaluation and review of a patients records, we will determine whether or not any additional testing is necessary.

Fibromyalgia Patient Education is Key to Improvement

Fibromyalgia treatment depends largely on patient educaitonA large part of our philosophy is patient education. We spend a great deal of time and effort helping our patients learn how to manage their conditions at our Ocean County, NJ office. Unfortunately Fibro is not “completely curable” but that does not mean that “healing” cannot or will not take place. Fortunately with time, the vast majority of our patients feel noticeable improvement. With these conditions “knowledge is power” and we teach you how to become your own best advocate. We feel that the coaching and teaching is as important because with Fibro there needs to be lifestyle modifications which only the patient can do. We work with our patients as a team to get the best results and the most healing.

* It is important to note that there are times when some patients may be partly unresponsive to care. If that becomes the case, please be assured that we will refer you to the appropriate health care provider. Dr. Mark Guariglia knows many practitioners of various fields that can be helpful in assisting in the care of his patients.

Do you suffer with Fibromyalgia? Learn more about our FibroCare Program

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